Grosse Pointe Shores Improvement Foundation
Current Officers
President: Rob Sattler
Vice President: Deb Naz
Secretary: Sue Koski
Treasurer: Guy Gehlert
Current Trustees
Dan Aitken
Linda Beauregard
Janet Bodenmiller
Susan Charron
Patricia Chasteen
Mariann D'Hondt
January Dragich
Marty Ellis
Raymond England
Dan Fleming
Kelly Gwinnell
Laura Hellwarth
Brian Houghton
Connie Houin
Joyce Jacobs
Connie Lucchese
Brett and Kelly Marshall
Mary Matuja
Sandy Moisides
Hidee Neuenschwander
Shelly Nevetta
Anita Penta
Jo and Pat Pompeo
Michelle Ramsdell
Toni Salvador
Laura Schroder
Renee Seago
Tina Seely
Marlene Smith
Fran Solomon
Karl Tech
Kim Valice
Hundreds of your neighbors and friends in Grosse Pointe Shores
More Information
Our accomplishments on the Projects and Events page
Read our bylaws, click here
To become a member, click here
Trustees Emeritus
Mr. John Boll, deceased (Marlene)
Mrs. Edward I. Book, deceased (Frannie)
William D. Dahling, deceased (Nena)
Mr. Ed Deeb (JoAnne)
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Ronald C. Lamparter (Mary)
Vicki Liggett (Robert)
Patricia B. Lowry, Posthumously
Georgia Mandich (Don)
Paul Naz, deceased (Mary Jane)
Dominic Pangborn (Delia)
John Pollick (Dana Alpern)
Virginia F. Rice (Bill, Dr.)
Rob Squiers (Cindy)
Kurt O. Tech (Carole)
Lynn M. Kurtz
Ron Wagner (Kathleen)
John Walton
Barbara A. Willett (Howard)
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.
George N. Bashara, Jr., Posthumously